9 FREE Diaper Bags Filled with Free Baby Samples

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Want a free diaper bag? Choose from 9 diaper bags jam-packed with free baby samples, baby coupons + more free stuff for new Moms.

You’ll also get more ways to score free baby bags and cheap diaper bags, so make sure to scroll down to the end! 😀

How to Get a Free Diaper Bag

There are 3 easy ways to score diaper bags for free:

Diaper Bags currently available (for free):

Right now there are 9 Diaper Bags you can get at NO cost for 2024.

Most of them come filled with baby freebies like; diaper samples, baby formula, free baby bottles, baby coupons, full size baby products, plus more free stuff from your favorite baby brands! Check them out:

#1 Gerber Baby Gift Box ($150 value)

Gerber Baby Gift Box with Gerber samples!

The photo above shows what came in my Gerber gift box. I scored a free Gerber diaper bag that included; 2 full size cans of Gerber Good Start formula, diaper changing pad, Gerber baby bib, breastfeeding cozy blanket, Gerber Good Start formula samples, Gerber formula coupons, more!

NOTE: A few of our visitors were told by Gerber customer service that the diaper bags are no longer offered on their website. You may receive a Gerber baby gift box or Gerber formula samples, but I can’t guarantee what kinds of samples or Gerber coupons they might send.

However, I still recommend that you join MyGerber to get exclusive perks, savings and gifts (like mentioned on their website).

=> Join MyGerber for exclusive perks!

TIP: Many Moms have reported receiving a Gerber baby box, backpacks and Gerber free samples from doctor offices and hospitals. The next time you go to your OB/GYN or Pediatrician, make sure to ask if they have any Gerber samples or coupons.

More Free Gerber Samples:

I also scored a can of Good Start Gentle formula from PINCHme, Gerber Baby Onesie from Walmart, plus a free Gerber Baby Bath Set!

#2 Free Stuff from Enfamil ($400 value)

free Enfamil diaper bag

Join Enfamil Family Beginnings and get up to $400 in FREE gifts including Enfamil coupons, free baby formula samples, Belly Badges, and more.

Enfamil Diaper Bag

The photo above shows what came in my free Enfamil gift but you may receive different freebies depending on Enfamil’s current offer. 🙂

=> Get My Free Enfamil Samples! (USA only)

Free Enfamil Samples Canada – Canadian residents can join My Family Beginnings by Enfamil A+ to get up to $350 in Enfamil coupons for free formula samples and Enfamil products.

=> Join My Family Beginnings! (Canada only)

#3 Free Similac Samples + Diaper Bag ($400 value)

Free Diaper Bag from Similac

Request $400 worth of FREE Similac Samples, coupons and baby freebies from Similac Strong Moms Rewards. I got full size cans of Similac Pro Sensitive and Alimentum formula, Similac ready to feed formula, baby bottles, Similac coupons, plus a free Shutterfly photo book.

I ❤️ that Similac is great about sending Similac coupons by mail. As you can see, I’ve received several Similac $5 and $15 Similac coupons – and they just keep coming!

=> Get My Free Similac Diaper Bag! (USA only)

Similac Club Canada – Canadian residents can also join Similac Strong Moms Club to get $200 worth of Similac free samples and Similac rebate checks.

=> Join the Similac Club! (Canada only)

free similac samples

More Free Similac Samples:

I (and many other Moms) have also scored a Free Similac Welcome Box from Strong Moms Rewards. I personally received THREE Similac baby boxes at various stages of my baby’s development – a total of 6 free cans of Similac!

Every Similac welcome box I got included at least 2 cans of Similac formula samples plus high value Similac coupons inside. I was able to try free formula samples of Similac Advance, Similac Organic and Similac Sensitive formula.

#4 Free Nestle Diaper Bag ($130 value)

Nestle Baby Diaper Bag for FREE ($130 value)

Did you know that Gerber (USA) and Nestle are owned by the same company? The Nestle Baby Club is available to Canadian residents. It offers Nestle samples similar to what Americans receive in the Gerber Baby Gift Box.

The photo above shows the Free Nestle Diaper Bag offer. It contains free Good Start formula, Gerber baby cereal, Materna prenatal vitamins, NUK baby bottle, Huggies diapers, Nestle coupons, more!

Many Moms have received a Free Nestle Ready for Baby pack. It includes Good Start powdered formula, Nestle ready to feed formula bottles, Gerber baby food, Cetaphil Baby lotion, Babyganics samples, plus high value Nestle coupons.

Although it’s not guaranteed which baby freebies you’ll receive, the Nestle baby club offers up to $130 in free baby stuff.

=> Get My Nestle Samples! (Canada only)

Diaper Bag Giveaways

#5 Free Diaper Bag from Dyper ($69 value)

Dyper Free Bag

Get a Free Diaper Bag from Dyper. Try the most comfortable bamboo diapers that are better for your baby and the planet. Plus, Dyper will throw in their awesome Diaper Bag for FREE!

Cancel any time with no obligation and you’ll still get to KEEP the diaper bag! The Dyper diaper bag is valued at $69.

=> Get My Free Diaper Bag from Dyper! (multiple countries)

*This Dyper Free Bag offer is available in the USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Europe.

Free Dyper Welcome Kit

dyper welcome kit

Not sure if you’ll like Dypers? You can request a free Dyper trial pack to test out Dyper brand diapers before you buy.

You’ll get a 3-pc diaper sample pack of Dyper bamboo diapers, just pay $5 s&h. If you like them, the $5 delivery fee will be credited to your account, making them free!

=> Get My Dyper Welcome Kit! (USA only)

#6 Free Hello Bello Diaper Bag ($39.99 value)

hello bello diaper bag free

Score a Free Hello Bello diaper backpack with the purchase of a Hello Bello bundle. You’ll get 7 packs of Hello Bello diapers, 4 packs of Hello Bello wipes, a Free Diaper Bag ($39.99 value), a FREE baby product of your choice ($10.88) plus FREE shipping.

All of these baby goodies for 56% offget all the juicy details here!

What a deal! 😀

=> Get My Free Hello Bello Diaper Bag (use code: DPRBG)

#7 KeaBabies Diaper Bag Giveaway ($66.60 value)

Keababies diaper bag

Enter to win a FREE KeaBabies Diaper Bag filled with free baby stuff. The giveaway value is $44.96. Just enter your name and email to qualify.

UPDATE: Right now Keababies is hosting a free giveaways on their Amazon livestream – Enter here!

KeaBabies Diaper Bag Reviews (4.7 stars)

There’s no purchase necessary to enter, but your chances increase if you buy something (+ you’ll get 10% off)!

=> Enter to Win a KeaBabies Diaper Bag! (Amazon Live giveaway)

🔥HOT DEALS! 🔥 – Refer a friend and you’ll both receive a Free $5 Keababies gift card! Plus, sign up for their emails and get a 10% off coupon.

#8 Naty Diaper Bag Giveaway ($79 value)

naty diaper bag

See details on Amazon

Hurry over to Eco by Naty’s Instagram page to enter to win a free diaper bag.

To enter, just like the photo, tag a friend and tell them what’s your favorite thing about Naty diapers. That’s it!

ECO by Naty will send a free diaper bag with all baby’s must-haves to their TOP 3 favorite answers.

Naty runs this diaper giveaway often. If you miss out this time, don’t worry because they have a NEW giveaway every month!

=> Naty Giveaway details here

#9 Free Baby Bag from Baby2Baby

free baby bag

Baby2Baby gives out free baby bags and backpacks to low income families. These baby bags include diapers, baby formula, clothes, toys, soap, shampoo, food and more essentials for Moms and children in need.

Baby2Baby holds giveaway events in over 45 U.S. cities and is sponsored by companies like; Huggies, Graco, Johnson & Johnson, Hasbro, Munchkin, Disney, The Honest Company, many more!

=> Find a Baby2Baby Resource Center Near You

Free Diaper Bags at Hospitals + Dr. Offices

Most hospitals will give you a free diaper bag when you deliver your baby. Call your local hospital before your due date to see if they participate.

If you plan on formula feeding (or supplementing with formula), let the nurses know when you deliver your baby. Many Moms have received Gerber formula samples, free Enfamil backpack / Enfamil cooler bag, Similac samples plus more free baby stuff from formula companies.

Your OB/Gyn and Pediatrician are also great resources to get free baby stuff like free diapers, baby bottles, free baby formula samples, etc. Many times they’ll have plenty of baby samples on hand – just ask! 😀

Check out the Free Diaper Bags I got!

Wondering what comes in these diaper bags? Check out my YouTube videos to see the kinds of baby freebies you can expect.

Cheap Diaper Bags

check price on Amazon

If you’re willing to spend a little, you can find cheap diaper bags under $20.

But I recommend buying an affordable diaper bag in the $25 – $30 range. You’ll get better quality and function if you spend a bit more.

Check out these cheap diaper bags I found on Amazon. They’re very affordable and have great reviews.

Of course, nothing beats FREE! 😉

Want MORE free baby samples?

free baby gift bags

Score free baby gift bags from buybuy BABY, Target, Babies ‘R Us + more. These baby bags are filled with free baby samples, coupons, even full size baby products!

Just create a baby registry and then pick up your free baby gifts. There are 7 baby registries offering free baby bags right now.

=> Get My Free Baby Gift Bags!

I hope you enjoyed this post about free diaper bags. My personal fave is the Gerber baby gift box. Which freebies are you most excited about? Let me know in the Comments below.

free diaper bags by mail

If you enjoyed this post, please PIN IT to your “Free Baby Stuff” board and don’t forget to share it with a friend because

82 thoughts on “9 FREE Diaper Bags Filled with Free Baby Samples”

  1. Clara, I’m sorry you’re disappointed you didn’t get a diaper bag from Nestle. You did get some good baby freebies though! You may try calling Nestle’s customer service at 1-800-387-4636. Politely explain to them that you feel you didn’t get the freebies they advertised. Maybe ask if they still have diaper bags available or if they’ll send you more samples? They just might! 😀

  2. Nestle Baby no longer includes the diaper bag, change pad, bottle, etc. in their free sample. It only comes with a can of formula, 1 ready-to-drink formula, a tiny bottle of Cetaphil baby lotion, and coupons – many of which are not really essential (i.e. spend $75 at Babies R Us for $15 off; save $3 on Babyganics bubble bath; save $1 on Ziploc Twist N Loc container; save $1 on Anusol hemorrhoid cream). The $2 coupon off Zincofax and Tempra are nice, though.

    Overall, the new Nestle Baby samples makes for a very disappointing sample pack compared to what they used to give. It’s funny because on their website they “guarantee” this sample pack is better. It just isn’t.

  3. Amber, the company websites change their offers from time to time. Your best bet to get a diaper bag is to ask for it at the hospital or your OB/GYN office. Most of them have many diaper bags available. I think you should still register with the websites because they will mail samples and coupons. I’ve received so many sample size formula cans from Similac and high-value coupons from Enfamil this way.

  4. I reached out to all three companies that’s offered for the us and none of them are offering diaper bags Enfamil and similac have a little travel cooler but no more diapers bag offers and Gerber doesn’t offer this no more. Big time bummer. Any other suggestion for helpful free items I’d love to hear. Tia

  5. I here that Canadians can only get the Nestle package…I would appreciate just that because right now I really need some support,hope to here from u soon,I press the link and sign up

  6. Meghashree, the only diaper bag available for Canadian residents is from Nestle. Click on the Nestle link (underlined in blue) to get to the request form.

  7. I requested the free diaper bag from similac they didn’t send one but I did get 2 small cans of formula with lots of coupons for 5 dollars off their formula definitely will come in handy I’m sure thank you

  8. Hi I am pregnant 28 weeks and just want to know how can get baby free diaper bag and where can get baby changing begs..

  9. I need all the help I can get 5 diaper bags full of stuff for my baby would be like having a baby shower this is a dream come true for me and my baby I hope it really does come because I have been trying to get some help and some free stuff and I am not having any luck so I am praying it happens for us both thanks so much I am looking forward to seeing what he gets thanks again

  10. Shelly, click on the blue links in the post. It will take you to the freebie request forms. Please allow up to 6 weeks to receive your freebies.

  11. To all ladies who have commented and those just reading…emails and calling 1-800 numbers may only get you so far. I actually took time to write a formal letter to Johnson and Johnson as a class project in school and was sent all types of samples and a really nice letter in response. Try it old school and you may at least get a good coupon if not samples of many types. BUT, you have to be nice in your letter to them not acting as if you are owed something. Tell them you’ve used their products for years, or know of those who have and that you are interested in trying certain items, your due date….if they had promotional item(s) you could try. Boost their EGO and they might boost you with gear/samples. Just throwing it out there – Good luck!

  12. Jazmine, thank you for letting us know. As mentioned, the offers vary from time-to-time and based on demand. I hope you get some great freebies!

  13. I called Enfamil and they told me that I should receive the samples around my due date. I also called Gerber they said the only thing they will do is send out email stating samples are available and you would have to proceed through the email. I will keep a watch out for this email. Gerber also mentioned they discontinued the nutrition pack about a year ago.

  14. Gerber discontinued this promo and Similac is only available at certain hospitals. They both responded to me today. I haven’t heard back from enfamil yet and the Nestle one is only for Canada. I’ll update when I hear back from Enfamil.

  15. i am writing for my 22 year old granddaughter. she is 2 months pregnant. and a single mom. i am trying to find programs that can help her out. she is due 06/15/2018. she is starting out with nothing. i seen your add on the internent. so can you please help. thanks.

  16. Only 4 weeks pregnant, with 1st child and am going to be a single mom so my Dr’s told me togo online as companies send you free products such as diapers, bath lotions and shampoos. This its all new to me so I don’t know how so go out about getting these products send to my home or coupons where i can redeem different items. Any help nd suggestions would be great.


  17. Cindy – the formula companies do change their freebie offers from time-to-time. I received a free diaper bag from Enfamil with a cooler pack, 2 free cans of formula, and other baby samples. Similac & Gerber both sent me cans of formula and coupons but not in an actual diaper bag. Some of our visitors have received the free diaper bags at the hospital when they delivered their baby. However, not all hospitals participate.

  18. Serena, the formula companies DO give away free stuff. If you haven’t received yours, I’d suggest calling their 1-800 numbers and talking to a customer service rep. I received a free cooler bag from Enfamil with full-size formula and samples inside. I also called Similac and Gerber directly and they also sent me samples. 🙂

  19. Sorry but I’ve signed up for all of these different companies and they do NOT give you free diaper bags with anything inside…I don’t know if they used to but I signed up late last year (2016) and have received nothing of the sort…actually, I have not received anything free from any company or even any samples 😪 Wish it were true though!

  20. Hi

    Im a new mom and was looking into these free stuff. Enfamil does give you free samples even a box of samples and a cooler bag. No more diaper bags for either of these companies. Similac only sends you a messenger bag and some coupons, nestle and gerber dont give out samples anymore but will send you coupons in the mail.

  21. Anastasia, I’m sorry you can’t get the Gerber bag – but at least they’re still sending you freebies. 🙂 Glad to hear you’re getting the Enfamil diaper bag too.

  22. I called gerber today and they don’t send out the bags or do the nutrition kits. I called inquiring explaining I’m doing a home birth so instead there gonna send a pregnancy kit but that’s it. Enfamil is making the exception to send me the diaper bag they do for the hospitals since I’m having a home birth. Still have to call similac their closed so have to wait til Monday.

  23. Kelly – yes they are encouraging breastfeeding – but there are many of our visitors who are receiving the free diaper bags. Enfamil has a new diaper bag that contains bottles for pumped (expressed) milk, milk storage bags, and other samples for breastfeeding included with the free formula. You may want to call Enfamil, Similac, and Gerber directly to request free samples. 🙂

  24. Julia, so glad you got some free formula and samples from Enfamil. Please allow up to 8 weeks to receive your freebies. You can also call the customer service line for Similac and Gerber directly to ask about the shipping status. They’ve been known to mail out samples and coupons just for calling. 🙂

  25. Now they are not giving away the diaper bags because they stopped promoting formula now they want moms to breast feed their babies

  26. Macy, it may take a couple months before you receive your free samples. If you’ve waited 6-8 weeks and still haven’t received them you can call Enfamil, Similac, or Gerber directly. They will look up your account and be able to check to see if your freebies have been shipped or not. 🙂

  27. Alice, many hospitals no longer offer this program. That’s why we recommend that you register online directly with the formula companies. Just click on the blue links in the post and it will take you to the online request form. 🙂

  28. Jess, I’m sorry you’re not satisfied with the freebies you’ve received and the amount of email offers sent to your inbox. But at least it cost you nothing to get FREE stuff. 🙂 Yes, you can request the bags from your local hospital but most of our visitors prefer to sign up online since it’s easier and convenient.

  29. Adina, if you filled out the request form and got a “thank you for registering” message then you’ll all set. If there are freebies you’re not interested in, just don’t click that particular checkbox on the form. Please allow 6 – 8 weeks to receive your freebies.

  30. I feel like when I click on the blue link and try to get free samples, similac diaper bag, enfamil diaper bad that i am just getting the run around to sign up for a bunch of different things I do not want or need. How do I know if I was able to sign up for the free bag?

  31. This is my first Baby and I’m on my own, thank you for all your help it is nice to know there’s companies like you helping people like me thank you for you do

  32. I can belive you can help mom’s like single mother I’m so glad there are companies like this one’s this is my first Baby and I don’t know what to expect so for this reason I thank you

  33. I would love to get a tote diaper bag before in go in the hospital to Hfave mt son. I will be be waiting by the mail box. Thank you! Kellie Awtrey

  34. The only thing you get is some coupons and sample packs of infant formula from enfamil. Oh, and a bunch of spam emails from the companies they sell your email address too. Not worth the hundreds of questions you have to answer and other offers you have to sign up for. Your hospital will give you a bag with a can of formula and sometimes coupons from some companies they use (Johnson and Johnson) and that’s about it. When I had my daughter in December all I got was a bag and my nurses were wonderful and gave us extra diapers, wipes, wash and lotion but it came from the hospitals stash and nothing that Gerber gives to them to give each new mom like they did in 20012 and 2005 when I had my other kids.

  35. In Canada, Nestle sends you a diaper bag and samples, Similac sends you a ton of big size samples and coupons, and Enfamil sends you coupons.
    Gerber is owned by Nestle here, so its the same program as Nestle.
    Heinz also sends out coupons for food when baby is old enough to start on solids.

  36. I’m trying to get the #2 Free Similac Diaper Bag, but when I click on the blue link below the bag I want it sends me to another web site called EverydayFamily. Pls help me figure out where I have to go or what I have to do to get this Similac Diaper Bag.
    In much need of your help,

  37. Ruta, click on the blue links in the post above. The links will take you to the request form. Fill out the form, then the company will send the free diaper bag to you.

  38. can I have diaper bags please my first kid and its a real struggle to afford everything this would be perfect please

  39. Elizabeth – Most hospitals DO give out the free diaper bags. But you’re correct that some hospitals are promoting breastfeeding more and many not offer them. You just need to ask. If your local hospital doesn’t support this program, just call the companies (ie Gerber, Enfamil, Similac) directly to request the bags. 🙂

  40. Most hospitals will not give diaper bags anymore. I just had my little girl 3 weeks ago and nothing and my Sil just had her baby in California and didn’t get one. I did call.similac and enfamil because my daughter has been throwing up alot and they’re both sending me diaper bags and.separate formula samples for upset tummies. It’s best to call them and ask for the Diaper bags.especially if your hospital does not participate because they’re baby friendly breast feeding hospitals.a

  41. @emc, most hospitals will give you a free diaper bag when you deliver your baby. Each hospital has different offers, depending on which formula company they have partnered with. You can also go directly to the formula company website and request a free diaper bag there. 🙂

  42. gerber does not give out diaper bag or send anything out if you dont get it in the hospital…No diaper bag from enfamil but a bottle coller

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